Septic Tank Pumping & Septic Inspections in Passaic County & Surrounding Areas
Septic Pumping
You can keep your septic system operating properly with regular septic tank pumping and system cleaning. After the tank is emptied, we check for baffles, cracks, leaks, or any deterioration. Your pumps are also checked to make sure they are working correctly.
We recommend you have your septic tank(s) pumped at least every 3 years, depending on the age of your system and number of people in your home. We adhere to town ordinance for scheduled pumping.
Real Estate Septic Inspections
Lakeland Septic Co.
performs real estate transfers and presale inspections. We check components for deterioration and the absorption area to ensure buyers that the home's septic system is functioning as designed. We also have the ability to inspect lines with our pipe line video camera. It's important to know before you buy.
Septic Repairs
We offer repair work for inlet and outlet baffles replacements and some pipe repairs. We also offer replacement of concrete manhole covers, risers, and locking steel manhole covers.
It is always important to replace PVC plugs and end caps when broken. When the caps are all on the tank is vented to the roof you your home. Gases stay up rather that at ground level.
Although we don't install septic tanks, we check the baffles when we drain the tank. Depending on their condition, we can repair or replace them.
Pump Replacement
We are trained in wastewater pump replacement and represent the Goulds
and Xylem
brands. If your pump's alarm sounds, you will need a service tech to evaluate the system and go through a step-by-step inspection to diagnose the problem. Sometimes this can be done over the phone.